Aromatherapy Matters

in Apr 13, 2020

It’s no secret essential oils do all sorts of good, from lifting our spirits to clearing a cold. It’s fascinating and comforting to know the natures extracts have such power. Such healing is steeped in centuries of history and is especially prominent in Ayurveda, a holistic health belief looking at the three health systems - the mind, body and soul.

Science says that the molecules in essential oils affect the limbic system, when inhaled, which is linked to the emotions, the heart rate, blood pressure, breathing, memory, stress, and hormone balance. In this way, essential oils can have a subtle, yet holistic effect on the body.

Below we outline some of the healing properties of essential oils found in Sana Jardin fragrances:


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Orange Blossom

Orange Blossom is known for its calming, soothing properties. It centres the mind, promoting mindfulness, presence and many feel that it raises your vibration. You will find Orange Blossom in Berber Blonde.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Sandalwood

Sandalwood essential oil helps users to achieve calmness and overall mental clarity due to its extensive therapeutic benefits. It’s thought to help one connect to the divine spirit, helping to open the third eye. It’s no wonder our we use it in three of our Sana Jardin fragrances; Sandalwood Temple, Revolution De La Fleur and Celestial Patchouli.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Jasmine

Mood boosting and calming, the essential oil of Jasmine lifts the psyche and dissolves emotional barriers. It induces feelings of wellbeing, optimism, and sensual desire. It is also thought to help with menstrual cramps and menopausal symptoms. It can be found in Savage Jasmine, Jaipur Chant and Revolution De La Fleur.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Vanilla

Thought to boost libido, Vanilla features in some of our most sensual scents; Tiger by Her Side, Revolution De La Fleur, Sandalwood Temple and Nubian Musk. The oil is also thought to fight infection, lower blood pressure and relieve PMS.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Rose 

A natural feel-good oil, Rose is known to increase levels of serotonin and dopamine as well as balancing stress hormones. A classic in perfumery, Rose can be found in Tiger By Her Side, Revolution De La Fleur and Nubian Musk.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Neroli

Another member of the citrus family, the essential oil of Neroli boasts many benefits. It’s highly antibacterial, which makes it perfect for treating stressed skin. It’s also an anxious mind’s secret weapon. One of fragrance’s most popular ingredients, Neroli can be found in Berber Blonde, Revolution De La Fleur and Sandalwood Temple.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Ylang Ylang

The “flower of flowers” Ylang Ylang had been used for centuries in tropical parts of Asia to decorate the beds of newly married couples due it its uplifting, aphrodisiac qualities. Add to this its mood enhancing, antidepressant, immune and cardiovascular system boosting benefits and you have a powerful essential oil that can be found in our Revolution De Le Fleur.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Tuberose 

A centuries-old psycho-spiritual remedy, the essential oil of Tuberose is thought to open the heart and crown chakras, encourage psychic sensitivity, stimulate creativity and attract love. Jaipur Chant is based around this powerful essential oil.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Bergamot

Commonly used to elevate mood and calm stress, Bergamot is part of the citrus family, so also shares pain-relieving properties similar to Grapefruit. Bergamot imparts a richness to other floral essential oils and a sweetness to spicy oils and can be found in Berber Blonde, Tiger By Her Side and Sandalwood Temple.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Frangipani

A purifier, Frangipani protects the the body from damage but, most prominent are its aphrodisiac characteristics, thought to heighten connection and sensuality. This essential oil is key to our tropical Revolution De La Fleur scent.


Aromatherapeutic benefits of Cedar wood

A woody essential oil with benefits a plenty from anti-inflammatory to anti fungal. It’s great for everything from the skin to scalp and is known to help soothe insomniacs into a deep and restful sleep. Found in our Sandalwood Temple and Celestial Patchouli.